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Zhengzhou DEAO Science & Technology Co., Ltd is specialized in research, production and sales of screen changer/melt filter. ...

E-MAIL: deao@vip.sina.com

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Product categories

Zhengzhou DEAO Science & Technology Co., Ltd is specialized in research, production and sales of screen changer/melt filter. Base on the deep technology accumulation and invention patents, DEAO is standing on the top position of screen changer industry and has been supplying the high efficiency and cost-saving solutions of filtration for totally more than 1000 customers Innovative technology comes from professional dedication and accumulation, DEAO professional R & D team has been focused on researching non-stop screen changer/melt filter from the .......

Who We Are?

Zhengzhou DEAO Science & Technology Co., Ltd is specialized in research, production and sales of screen changer/melt filter. Base on the deep technology accumulation and invention patents, DEAO is standing on the top position of screen changer industry and has been supplying the high efficiency and cost-saving solutions of filtration for totally more than 1000 customers......



With a number of experienced and capable technical workers, advanced technology, innovative products, superior product equipments, and self-contained QC system, Zhengzhou DEAO Science & Technology Co., Ltd are planted firmly in the principles of quality and customer service. Our mission is delivering the highest standard of product and the best service in the weighing industry.

黄平县| 绥芬河市| 汉寿县| 宽城| 当雄县| 泰和县| 汤阴县| 喀喇| 厦门市| 阜南县| 九寨沟县| 金乡县| 将乐县| 莲花县| 石城县| 融水| 余干县| 阳城县| 顺义区| 洪洞县| 南平市| 禄劝| 如皋市| 英超| 蛟河市| 攀枝花市| 开鲁县| 长垣县| 高碑店市| 仙居县| 贵阳市| 象州县| 平乐县| 沽源县| 新泰市| 耒阳市| 阜新| 育儿| 清徐县| 六安市| 高要市|